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Specimen Molding
Specimen molding for the testing industry:

  • We provide quick and thorough services for the testing industry. Our standard delivery is two to three weeks. Quicker deliveries maybe available after a project review. 
  • We respond to all inquirers within 24 hours. Please fill out our online quotation form or call John Rosier at 413-443-5328.
  • ISO and ASTM family molds are balanced per standards on mold design ISO 294 and ASTM D3641.
  • Pricing starting at $390.00, includes 2 hours of processing, tool setup, material handling and completed ?as molded? process sheet for each material type. 
  • Over 45 years experience in molding test specimens.
  • Our injection molding machines and inspection equipment are calibrated and certified yearly.
  • Complete in house tooling facilities for special mold manufacturing and special machining services.
  • If you need specimen testing we will direct you to a qualified testing laboratory.

Click here for product listing and to process a request for quotation.